By using the website or services offered by O2 Media company, you agree to be bound by O2 Media’s Terms & Conditions. Do not use or avail of the website and any service unless you agree to the mentioned terms and conditions. 

Please carefully go through the document before using the website. By accessing the O2 Media’s platform, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth below. If you do not agree with any clause, refrain from accessing the website as any negotiation and modification is not possible on personal demands. 

O2 Media is an online digital marketing service provider and is subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions mentioned below. You agree to follow and obey all applicable laws and regulations regarding the use of the website and associated services.

Copyright, and Licenses 

The content of our website is protected by intellectual property laws such as international copyright law, and trademark laws. Our website is the owner of the copyrights as well as the trademark. Despite being an honorable customer, you do not own the rights to any article, book, or content. 

General Clauses 

By using our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Conditions and all applicable laws and regulations. If you have any objection or disagree with any term, you should refrain from accessing the website. 

Moreover, we can update and modify these conditions without notifying you and obtaining any consent. You must review these terms now and then to stay informed of the latest updates. Your continued use of our service is taken as your acceptance of new conditions. 

User Responsibility 

For accurate and desired results, you are responsible for providing up-to-date and accurate information necessary for the services. However, you retain the ownership of the entire content you provide to us to use the Services. You give us the non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to utilize, display, or even distribute the content essential to provide the services. 


Safety, security, and privacy is our top-notch priority. Hence, O2 Media will keep all sensitive and personal information provided by you confidential both during and after the provision of our services. 

Intellectual Property 

All intellectual property rights related to the Services including but not limited to designs, code, and content created by O2 Media, shall remain our property unless we are agreed upon in writing. Everything created by the company will remain their property even after the provision of the services. 

Limitations of Liability 

The content or other material can be liable to contain minor inaccuracies and typographical errors. Our website, O2 Media does not pledge about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, and timeliness of the content or about the results to be obtained from using our website or the content on it. In short, O2 Media does not guarantee that our website will operate error-free and that our servers are free from viruses and harmful conditions. 


If you are not willing to continue the contract, you can terminate it by providing written notice. Similarly, we secure the right to terminate the contract at any point we see that you are not providing accurate information or any dodge. We will offer you a written notice, but you are responsible for any fees or charges incurred up to the date of termination. 

Governing Law 

All these conditions have been governed by and constructed in accordance with the official laws of jurisdiction without regard to its conflict of law principles. 

Contact Information 

If you are skeptical about our services, terms, or any condition, feel free to contact us at:

(347) 736-8853

By availing of our services and using the website, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and agree to these terms and conditions mentioned above. In case you do not agree to these terms, refrain from using our platform.
